NRF - перевод на Английский
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NRF - перевод на Английский

NRF (disambiguation)

New French Revue


Norman French
the northern form of Old French spoken by the Normans.



NRF may refer to:

  • National Redemption Front, rebel alliance in Darfur
  • National Research Foundation (South Africa)
  • National Resistance Front of Afghanistan, an anti-Taliban militia formerly based in Bazarak, Afghanistan
  • National Response Framework
  • National Retail Federation
  • National Revolutionary Faction, a former UK political group
  • NATO Response Force
  • Naval Reactors Facility, Idaho National Laboratory, US
  • Neighbourhood Renewal Fund
  • Norwegian Red, a breed of cattle
  • Nouvelle Revue Française, a literary magazine
  • nrf, the ISO 639-3 code for Jèrriais and Guernésiais languages
Примеры употребления для NRF
1. Les plus importants contributeurs ŕ la NRF, comme l‘Allemagne et la France, défendent des idées différentes.
2. "Nous sommes ŕ un moment important pour la NRF", a–t–il dit.
3. " Maurice Constantin–Weyer, La vie du général Yûsuf, NRF Paris 1'30.
4. La France, qui commande pour six mois la partie aérienne de la NRF, est aux premi';res loges.
5. Mais le secrétaire général de l‘Otan, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, n‘a pas caché les divisions sur la NRF.